Follow the instructions to the letter to make your registration successful

 1. Click on the button below “Start FREE Registration”

 2. You wait for the page to load and accept cookies by clicking the red button “Accept all cookies”, you enter your email, any password, you accept terms and conditions by clicking on the box and then click on the red button “SIGN UP” or you can also register through facebook
 3. Check your email in the main or Spam inbox the email with the subject “Welcome to Branded” you open and confirm by clicking on the “Activate Account” button. You fill in the other fields that ask you and register by clicking on the “Start Earning” button, if you do not know your zip code (Zip Code) you look for it by clicking here  
 4. When your account finally  has beed activated, what is missing is to click “TAKE SURVEY” button and complete that questionnaire in whitch you will  earn 50 points and will also allow you to complete your profile so that you get many more surveys

Important: Remember to check your email daily and review your account dashboard and see if you have pending surveys to complete.